The extensive range of services rendered by the Company enabled us to
participate in large power engineering and industrial projects. The
most significant tasks performed by Energomontaż-Południe SA included among others:
Assembly and installation of the pressure part under the construction of the new 858 MW power unit at the Bełchatów Power Plant:
- installation of the tubes connecting the heating surfaces and collectors,
- installation of draining and venting pipelines,
- installation of the boiler's internal pipelines and blowers,
- assembly of high-pressure pipelines.
Additionally, Energomontaż-Południe performs works on low- and medium-pressure pipelines in the engine room as well as assembles the flue gas and air ducts.
Prefabrication, delivery and assembly of the flue gas ducts for new units D and E at the Westfalen Power Plant |
delivery and assembly of ca. 2,600 tons of ducts for two 800 MW power units comprising flue gas, fresh air and primary air ducts, OFA nozzles and sealing air tubes,
- installation of the DeNOx system, compensators and gates,
- assembly of the pulverised coal mixture feeding installation.
Assembly of the pressure part for the new 912 MW power unit at the Rheinhafen Dampfkraftwerk 8 Power Plant
The scope of works performed by the Company cover welding works and hoisting of ca. 6.5 tons of the following components:
- boiler suspension and heating surfaces,
- sheet piling,
- bandage systems for the vertical walls,
- collectors,
- bandage systems for the furnace chamber,
- temporary structure for the hydraulic test.
Deliveries and assembly works at the new 460 MW power unit at the Łagisza Power Plant: |
delivery and assembly of flue gas and air ducts - ca. 1,500 tons,
- prefabrication, delivery, assembly and anti-corrosive protection of the bearing structure at the engine room building,
- assembly works on the TG 460MW turbine covering installation of the turbine set, pipelines for the cooling and oil systems, assembly of the drainage and sealing water pipelines.
of the Department of Coal Derivatives Production at the "Przyjaźń" Sp.
z o.o. Coking Plant in the scope of delivery, assembly, preparation of
anticorrosive protection, insulation and start-up of the following
units (ca. 1900 tons): |
- technological
pipelines: water cooling system, benzol recovery plant, installation of
acidic components and ammonia desorption from the processing water, tar
dehydration pumping station;
- installation of four deacidification and stripping columns;
- installation of pumps, apparatus and technological devices.
of the biomass conditioning and feeding installation for the 225 MW
boilers at the Łaziska Power Plant comprising the following specific
works: |
development of the detailed technical and construction documentation;
- performance of earth works;
- construction of a reinforced concrete silo;
- preparation of foundations and roads;
- delivery and installation of conveyors, screens and steel structures;
- construction of the sewage disposal and power supply systems;
- installation start-up.
Modernisation of the BB-1150 type K-3 boiler at the Bełchatów Power Plant: |
- pressure
part - more than 56,000 welded joints covering the water preheater,
superheaters, bends under the burners, furnace chamber hopper,
pipelines for feed water and steam blow-in units, steam blowers;
- furnace
part - hot air ducts, powdered-fuel burners, diffusers, sifters, ash
ducts, afterburning grate, slag trap, steel structures.
of GAVO no. 2 at the flue gas desulphurisation system for the 225 MW
power units at the Łaziska Power Plant in the scope of: |
- disassembly and assembly of heating baskets;
- disassembly and assembly of radial and circumferential packing;
- control of bearings and the guide shaft;
- assembly and disassembly of fabric compensators;
- insulation of flue gas ducts and compensators;
- anticorrosive protection of flue gas ducts;
- preparation of the technical documentation.